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The inner power within us has no limits, and it brings me such joy to witness what can be accomplished when people are open to reach out and receive. In my client's QHHT sessions, I have witnessed profound healing in one session. Clients often leave the session with a great sense of clarity. My deepest gratitude to them for having faith in their healing and working with me.

If you've worked with me and would like to send me feedback, please click here.

Clients' Testimonial 

"...reveal what could be the root cause; helping me to find the answer and solution by myself to solve that“inner problem"..."

“Gladys conducted the QHHT for me after I had a major surgery and when I had the same bad dreams periodically. 


 Under her skilful and professional guidance, l was led to talk to my Higher Self to reveal what could be the root cause; helping me to find the answer and solution by myself to solve that“inner problem" which stuck in my unconscious mind. 


I always believe in Will Power. She coached me to practise utilizing it, guided me to talk to my body. My speedy recovery reconfirmed my belief.  And it couldn’t happen if it’s not because of Gladys. 

My sincere thanks to Gladys for the QHHT session and also all her continuous encouragement and supports thereafter.” 


(Christina on QHHT, Hong Kong)




的肌肉痠痛,最近發現頸部後面出現了一個奇怪的肉瘤。在一個好朋友介紹下,認識了這個心靈之旅的導遊師,Gladys, 在這短短數小時,佢帶領我穿梭了前生三世,尋找自己生命的根源,人際關係上面嘅玄妙。在今世一路有很多不明的恐懼與焦慮,無名的念頭。在催眠底下,令我找到事情嘅根本,故事的根源。最奇妙的是在治療過後頸上面嘅腫瘤突然小了,三四個幾月後,不用手術及藥物,已經完全消失了。這種短短時間的心靈之旅,確實是人生最難忘,最有得著,最值得去的旅程。”


(Humphrey on QHHT. Hong Kong)

"...helped bring to me true enlightenment that no other therapists had ever managed to do so..."

My experience with Gladys was amazing. It started with a lot of mixed feelings. I was curious to find out what was going to happen but at the same time, I was scared that it might uncover some deeply hidden issues of mine that I didn’t really want to face. After all, my previous experiences of hypnosis weren’t that pleasant. 

However, Gladys was very patient and attentive with me. She spent a good amount of time talking to me to help me and her understand what issues that I needed/ wanted to be tackled. It turns out that this preparation work was essential in order to get deep into the root of my issues. 

My journey of hypnosis wasn’t easy probably because of my resistance to face the truth. But with Gladys’s skilful guidance, I managed to go past the bottleneck where I was always stuck at my previous hypnoses. And what a relief that was!

I sincerely thank Gladys for her guidance, which helped bring to me true enlightenment that no other therapists had ever managed to do so. 

Thank you, Gladys!


(Bonnie on QHHT, Hong Kong)

"...十分精彩及inspiring 的五小時...讓我明白到每一世的課題,讓我思考了很多..."

我是一位長期病患者,有自身免疫系統病已經有二十年。九月的時候,經好友介紹,知道Gladys 的量子催眠可以治療疾病,而我深知所有病都是原自心因,所以希望藉著催眠可以幫助到我的問題。
Gladys 非常專業及細心!我渡過了十分精彩及inspiring 的五小時!Gladys 首先和我傾談了解我的背景和病歷,而從中她亦找到我一直沒有察覺的問題!接著她用溫柔的聲線帶領我看到我的past lives, 十分有趣同時讓我明白到每一世的課題,讓我思考了很多!最神奇的是最後我看到海豚跟我一起游泳,原來海豚有很高的healing power! 這個催眠真的令我獲益良多!


(Kitty on QHHT, Hong Kong)

"...helped me a lot in how I should deal with life, my health and my relationship..."

 “It was my first time having a QHHT session. Gladys was very passionate and friendly during a long chat to understand my situation before the actual hypnosis session. I felt I could share with her honestly and genuinely because she was empathetic and non-judgemental.


She showed great patience, care and skill when she guided me through the hypnosis to gain answers from my Higher Self. She was very persistent in getting the most out of the answers for me so that I can truly embrace my challenges and solutions - all because of her strong passion and motivation in helping her clients lead better lives. 


I am grateful for having this session conducted by Gladys. It was an amazing experience to connect with my Higher Self and discovered the true thoughts inside me, which helped me a lot in how I should deal with life, my health and my relationship.”

(Edith on QHHT, Hong Kong)






(Shirley on QHHT & Hypnotic Dreamwork, Hong Kong)

"...candid conversation to define my questions/issues that have been bothering me in life..."

“Thank you, Gladys, for this unique experience of QHHT.   A comfortable and candid conversation to define my questions/issues that have been bothering me in life then got through the hypnotherapy process.   It was really an interesting journey.  It’s helped me to identify the blockages in mind and slowly resolved it.”


(Grace on QHHT, Hong Kong)

"...好奇妙. 到現在還很深刻的是”自己”知道自己更想要什麼, 如何對自己更好..."

“不經不覺間原來是2個月前做的. 在Gladys的耐心, 仔細帶領下, 讓我感受到一些場境, 特別是身體上的感覺, 好奇妙. 到現在還很深刻的是”自己”知道自己更想要什麼, 如何對自己更好.


是第一次近距離接觸催眠, 原來整個過程是很安心的, 讓自己的內在發聲, 只要對施作者及自己有信任, 是可以找到心中答案.”


(Frances on QHHT, Hong Kong)

“In my QHHT session, Gladys enabled me to experience an interesting journey of my past happenings that correlates to my present life, and helps me understand myself more.”


(Anonymous on QHHT, Vancouver)

“Gladys為我做的healing, 是一個奇幻的旅程!這個旅程為我解決了很多問題,令我了解今生的課題,好讓我用正確的方法去活得更自在、開心!感謝你,Gladys~”


(Sandy on QHHT, Hong Kong)

“It's definitely a wonderful experience getting hypnotized by Gladys. She's patient and kind, has a sense of humor, too. I traveled to a place that's very near the source. It's magical, and I can't be happier to have her guide me to them. Thank you, Gladys. "You are a good human being" quoted by my higher self.”


(Jazmine on QHHT, Taiwan)

Gladys' QHHT helped me big time in gaining clarity of my romantic relationship. I am now in harmony with myself. Relationship with my long term boy friend has improved tremendously, we are closer than ever despite the distance. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

(CY on QHHT, Hong Kong)

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